EmoSPARK – Artificial Intelligence – I can’t wait!!
I’ve been beta testing for EmoSPARK and creating voice recognition modules. I’m super excited to get my hands on the new hardware. With the advancement of the new Android versions coming out and the use of new APIs its getting really exciting, I really can’t wait. The most exciting feature is the ability to have…
Android 4.3 ‘security update’?
An upgrade to Android 4.3, build number JWR66Y, has been rolling out to some Nexus devices over the past day or so. The official information about this release mentions only that it’s a “security update” without being specific about what is being updated. However, we can look at the source code to see exactly what has changed. The first…
Properly implemented Crypto systems….What Snowden meant by it…
By “properly implemented strong crypto systems” he means “cryptographic systems in which the design or the implementation was neither unwillingly weakened through designer/implementer incompetence, nor willingly weakened through deliberate alterations”. NSA/GCHQ did not break encryption mechanisms; they bribed (or otherwise forced) the designers, implementers and providers of some cryptographic systems into adding backdoors for them to use. Backdoors can…
What is DNSSEC? And why its important…
DNSSec is normal DNS, but with signatures. It absolutely prevents DNS Spoofing; that’s what it’s for, and that’s what it does. Registrars can still theoretically abuse their position because they’re responsible for communicating your intentions to the root servers. This includes information about your DNSSec keys. This relationship will never change; if you can’t trust…
QUIC – a New Google protocol to replace UDP
Google wants to make the web faster. We know it. For months now, Google Chrome Team is secretly working on creating a new web protocol named QUIC. Full chromium-side code is available at https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/net/+/master/quic/ From what I understand, and I’m not a transport-security guy, it looks like a improved version of UDP with some extra features…
Algae Lamps…
Imagine the possibilities of having Algae illuminating our streets now that would be pretty cool.
SecureRandom – Android 4.2.2 – New Security feature
A new way that Android generates secure keys to keep its apps secure is by using SecureRandom. In general, the switch to the new SecureRandom implementation should be transparent to apps. However, if your app is relying on SecureRandom to generate deterministic data, such as keys for encrypting data, you may need to modify this area of your app.…
Securely erasing files on OSX
Securely erasing files from your Mac can be just as easy as using the rm command; simply place an “s” in front of the “rm” like this: srm -r pathToFileOrFolder Replace pathToFileOrFolder with the path and name of the file or folder that you wish to remove. All of the flags (-r, etc.) that the rm command…
Treasure in the least obvious place…
So I started to poke around the Apple forums and found a gem of an article that shows you the exact steps on how to troubleshoot your modern MACs. As alot of you already know Im a MAC head. After being a Windows user for so many years I am now a devoted MAC Evangelist. I…
Renewing a DHCP Lease from the Command Line
Here are two quick ways to release/renew the DHCP Lease from terminal. You can either run: sudo ipconfig set en0 DHCP or: ipconfig getpacket en1